It doesn’t matter what type of website you have; one of your major aims should be to get more traffic and visitors. Afterward, once those visitors arrive, your aim should be to get them to take action. Well, it could be subscribing to your newsletter, purchasing your product, downloading your app, or completing the contact form. Meanwhile, if website visitors leave without taking any action, your bounce rate will mirror that and increase. And in most cases, a high bounce rate becomes a bad signal that affects both your website’s SEO and conversions. So, let’s inculcate through usable tips that help reduce website bounce rate. But first of all, we will talk about what is bounce rate, how it differs from different business functions, and what causes a high bounce rate.

What is a Bounce Rate?

The most common understanding of bounce rate is the percentage of visits when people arriving on your website leave without mingling with the page in any way. For instance, if a thousand visitors arrive on your website and Reduce bounce rate on website and 470 of them leave without further browsing, your bounce rate will be 47%. Thus, keep in mind that a single page session does not follow the definition of a bounce. For example, if you want visitors to watch a video, click a button, and fill out a form, these actions can be viewed as significant engagement signals and tracked by your web analytics. In this case, a bounce will be a single page session when a visitor does not deal with the website in any way.

To summarize, a bounce generally happens when visitors:-

  • Close the browser.
  • Click the back button in the browser.
  • Type a new URL in the address bar, whereas on your site.
  • Experience sessions time out because of a hosting error.
  • Having a percentage of bounced visitors on your website is completely normal and unavoidable, but there are good and bad bounce rates.

Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your Website

Let’s see the easy steps to reduce bounce rates on websites.

1. Ask Your Visitors Why They’re Leaving:

While website analytics can inform you about the bounce rate and which pages have a high bounce rate, it doesn’t exactly tell you the reason for visitorsleaving. That ultimately means that you will be doing lots of guessing and falling off the card, trying to Reduce website bounce rate. Above all, add a survey to your important pages and arrange it when a visitor exits. In contrast, a code-free popup builder provides exit survey templates: timely, simple, and easy to customize.

Meanwhile, before adding an exit intent survey to your website, adjust the response options based on your niche and the page you try to enhance. Also, for a Best Web Marketing company, it’s a good practice to add a comment field and let visitors type their own comeback.

2. Make Your Landing Page Visually Appealing:

When it comes to the user experience, design matters, whether you like it or not. That’s especially crucial to Reduce website bounce rate if you use paid advertising. Meanwhile, imagine the confusion viewers must feel when they click over beautifully created ads and then jump on a visually confusing and unappealing page.

Similarly, if you drive traffic to your website using SEO tactics, it’s significantly important to make sure that the page content meets the expectations of visitors who read the meta title or description that appears on the search engine result page.

3. Optimize Page Load Time:

Well, nobody likes slow websites. According to a study, if a website is not fast enough, 70% of consumers accept that they may lose their enthusiasm to buy from a brand. In other words, if your website loads slowly, there’s a chance that visitors might not even wait until it loads completely- they’ll just close the page and never return. So. Start examining how can your website loads fast using tools and Reduce website bounce rate.

For this, you have to enter your website URL and let the tool analyze your page. When you receive a report, it will tell you how long it will take for your site to load and, in addition, what you can do to improve its performance.

If slow speed is responsible for leaving visitors too soon, then you can boost it and make your bounce rate lower by following the given steps:-

  • Improve image quality on your website.
  • Use a caching plugin.
  • Use a well optimized theme.
  • Control to a better hosting plan or company.
  • Diminish the number of plugins you use.
  • Minimize script and style files.
  • Use a content delivery network to serve your image and static files.

4. Display Clear Calls To Action:

Lack of clarity might be another reason for higher bounce rate for SEO Services Company. Meanwhile, if you don’t have a clear call to action, then your visitors don’t know what you want them to do, and they try to guess and definitely won’t stick to you. Even so, how you mark a conversion at each stage of the customer journey and the call to action vary.

For instance, if you have an online store, your call to action could be to take advantage of a special deal, to pre order a product, or even pick a product classification.

In addition, using welcome popups tends to be the best way to present your call to action. Like the one featured above. If you provide services, your call to action could be to book a free discussion call or fill out a contact form. Furthermore, if you prepare an email list, your call to action should reflect the value of Pay Per Click Agency subscription.


A high bounce rate frequently follows a clear signal that your website’s arrival pages don’t meet the expectations of your visitors. For this purpose, start checking your web analytics tool to see which traffic channels have the highest bounce rate. Afterward, take a closer look at the messaging you use on that channel. At the same time, find out the answers to the questions that, Is your metadata exact and up to date? Do your ads show on the right page? Does your social media page spread the right message?

Besides this, take measures to analyze your website’s loading speed, mobile affability, content and call to action. In short, once you’re able to glance at your website from a visitor’s viewpoint, you’ll get a clear proposal of steps to reduce bounce. Finally, contact Nettonics for informative content and other digital marketing services.